Monday 30 October 2017

Titanium All on 4 Best dental implants?

Titanium hybrid bridge is the gold standard in full mouth restoration. It provides acrylic teeth supported by a titanium bar substructure. This will give the patient ability to chew, bite with natural force, and give a cosmetic natural look. Implant supported over-dentures are commonly used by many dental implant specialists. At Dream Dental, we offer a variety of dental implant options, one of which is a titanium bar dental implant. CAD/CAM technology allows us to use a titanium bar that is placed and fit with a fixed or partial denture. Using CAD software, we are able to design an over-denture that is fit precisely to your mouth.
Using a Pantogram milling device, the bar is milled without the need for welding or soldering. We are able to create a variety of bar designs and can screw the implant directly to the titanium bar, allowing for proper strength and support. Dream Dental Implant Center prefers the titanium bar as it is easy to maintain and will not cause harm to surrounding tissue.
Several patients have been treated using this implant option with great success. Restorative dentistry procedures are all about long-term prognosis and predictability. Using the CAD/CAM technology, Dream Dental Implant Center in Salt Lake City can provide custom milled titanium alloy bars providing a great fit. With titanium we are able to provide a durable and stronger option compared to a gold cast bar. If you have limited bone density, or you need alternative options for dental implant procedures, contact our office to learn more about implant supported milled bar overdentures.

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To view more educational videos or to view uplifting stories about dental implants and all-on-4 treatment and the materials used in this device follow our channel. Utah cosmetic dentist.Several patients have been treated using this implant option with great success. Restorative dentistry procedures are all about long-term prognosis and predictability. Using the CAD/CAM technology, Dream Dental Implant Center in Salt Lake City can provide custom milled titanium alloy bars providing a great fit. With titanium we are able to provide a durable and stronger option compared to a gold cast bar. If you have limited bone density, or you need alternative options for dental implant procedures, contact our office to learn more about implant supported milled bar over dentures.
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